How to display Custom posts Type on a WordPress Tag Archive Page

How to display Custom posts Type on a WordPress tag page
If your WordPress tag page isn’t showing post, pages or custom post types, it might be because WordPress, by default, only shows posts from the standard “post” type on tag archive pages. To display custom post types on tag archive pages, you’ll need to modify your theme’s functions.php
file or create a custom plugin.
Here’s how you can fix it:
Step 1: Modify the Query to Include Custom Post Types
You can hook into WordPress’ pre_get_posts
action to modify the query for the tag pages to include your custom post types. Add the following code to your functions.php
function include_custom_post_types_in_tag_archive($query) {
if ( $query->is_tag() && $query->is_main_query() && !is_admin() ) {
// Add your custom post types
$query->set( ‘post_type’, array( ‘post’, ‘your_custom_post_type’ ) );
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘include_custom_post_types_in_tag_archive’ );
Step 2: Flush Rewrite Rules
After adding this code, flush your permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress admin and simply click “Save Changes.”
Step 3: Check Your Custom Post Type Registration
When you registered your custom post type, ensure that it supports tags. In your register_post_type()
function, make sure you’ve included 'taxonomies' => array('post_tag')
in the arguments.
Step 4: Test Your Tag Archive
Visit one of your tag archive pages and see if the custom post type posts are showing up.
Let me know if you need further assistance or have additional questions!
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